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chemical__ nomenclature.ppt-文档编号(29760568)-其他文档-帮帮...
来自 : www.bbcyw.com/p-297605...html 发布时间:2021-03-25
The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South UniversityChemical Nomenclature IntroductionPart 2The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University? There are different systems for naming compounds ? Organic compounds contain carbon. These compounds have a unique system The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South Universityhttp://www.acdlabs.com/iupac/nomenclature/IUPAC nomenclture of Organic compounds:IUPAC: International Union of Pure and AppliedThe College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South UniversityNomenclture of Inorganic CompoundsThe College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University3Li(锂 )11Na(钠 )19K(钾 )37Rb(铷 )55Cs(铯 )87Fr(钫 )Ⅰ A Lithium Sodium potassium Rubidium Cesium Francium The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University4Be(铍 )12Mg(镁 )20Ca(钙 )38Sr(锶 )56Ba(钡 )88Ra(镭 )Ⅱ A Beryllium Magnesium Calcium Strontium Barium Radium The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University5B(硼 )13Al(铝 )31Ga(镓 )49In(铟 )81Tl(铊 )113UutⅢ A Boron Aluminum Gallium Indium Thallium Ununtritium The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University6C(碳 )14Si(硅 )32Ge(锗 )50Sn(锡 )82Pb(铅 )114UuqⅣ A Carbon Silicon Germanium tin stannum lead Ununquadium The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University7N(氮 )15P(磷 )33As(砷 )51Sb(锑 )83Bi(铋 )115UupⅤ A Nitrogen phosphorus Arsenic Anti
(铅 )114UuqⅣ A Carbon Silicon Germanium tin stannum lead Ununquadium The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University7N(氮 )15P...chemical__ nomenclaturechemical__ nomenclature.ppt是由帮帮创意网的apanghuang7网友提供的,本文档上传于2019/12/7 6:51:05,大小为4019712,共计62页,内容主要包含:The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South UniversityChemical Nomenclature IntroductionPart 2The College of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringCentral South University? There are different systems 。chemical

本文链接: http://quadchemical.immuno-online.com/view-774146.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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